Beat Psoriasis has ceased offering the Aculas 100mW hair loss laser system. We no longer have any new units.
We do continue to provide warranty support for customer who purchased their Aculas Laser from us and have evidence of purchase.

The100mW configuration and 5 20mW individual laser modules digitally scattered, no plastic mirrors or plastic fibre optics.
Ever wondered why most manufacturers do not mention how strong their laser power is?
Some brands sound impressive, but may only have a single 1mW laser and an array of cheap and low powered LEDs (light emitting diodes) there are NOT laser devices..
Although some competitors are more interested in fancy designs, extensive marketing and advertising, we have concentrated on designing, developing and delivering the most powerful and effective home LLLT device available today.
See how the unique Dermaray design offers more direct laser power and more actual laser modules than any other brand laser comb. While there are other brands and various home made products, none offer electrically safe (CE approved) power supplies nor use genuine laser diodes. Many products claim to contain laser diodes but actually contain Light Emitting Diodes or LEDs. .