research and vitiligo surveys
Imagine something very personal and precious being taken
away from you a little bit at a time. You are not in control
of when it goes and cannot argue about the amount removed
(Guardian, 2001)
I feel this statement aptly introduces my dissertation
topic. Not only does it describe the feelings of the people
being studied but also when reading it we are unaware of the
subject, reflecting the lack of knowledge surrounding the
The dissertation wishes to explore the experiences of
people with vitiligo.
What is vitiligo?
Vitiligo is thought to affect 1-4% of the population in
every country around the world, and is indiscriminate of
race, sex and age. It is a skin disease which causes areas
of the body to progressively lose colour, leaving patches
vulnerable to sunburn. This can occasionally lead to total
loss of colour all over the body. These patches of skin lack
melanin, which is the substance that gives the skin its
colour and enables it to tan in the sun. This means vitiligo
patches have no natural protection against the sun's rays
because the skin's pigment is not active. In this way
pigmented areas, when tanned through exposure to the sun or
through natural skin tone, contrast to the white appearance
of vitiligo skin. The spread and pattern of its development
is unpredictable, but common sites of pigment loss include
the face, hands, groin and hair (The Observer, 2002).
The causes of the condition are not yet known, but many
theories persist. One such argument claims that the body's
own immune system sees pigment cells as foreign bodies and
attacks them, while others believe environmental factors,
such as viral infections and damage to the skin may be the
cause. However, most weight is persistently placed on
theories of a genetic nature. This claims that more than one
gene may contribute to the development of vitiligo, meaning
that you may have to inherit a particular set of genes in
order to be able to develop the condition (Lesage, 2002).
Despite that over half a million people in Britain alone
suffer from vitiligo, it receives little recognition from
health professionals, because it is not painful,
life-threatening nor infectious. This means it is classed as
mainly a cosmetic disorder, even though darker skin suffers
greatly from its disfiguring signature, as well as white
skin, and can be extremely distressing for both.
Since vitiligo is little known in society, it is also an
under-developed area in sociology. Few studies have focused
on this topic, with many originating from the psychological
discipline producing a gap in sociological literature This
dissertation aims to reduce this gap and educate of the
experiences the condition may cause. It is also of personal
interest to me because I have vitiligo and am well aware of
the lack of knowledge about it, not only in society as a
whole, but also in the medical profession.
Outline of Research Questions
My main research question seeks to exhibit the kinds of
experiences vitiligo sufferers encounter to enhance
knowledge of the condition, and so asks:
What kind of experiences do vitiligo sufferers
This can be split into four relating questions to
establish a range of experiences that can be provided to
answer the research question.
How do factors of age, sex, skin tone and the severity of
vitiligo affect the likelihood of stigmatised encounters?
This question seeks to illustrate the kinds of negative
experiences people may have been subject to. Also, the
factors which may contribute and maybe significant to the
frequency of such encounters.
Are issues of concealment and avoidance important to the
experiences of individuals with vitiligo?
This strives to determine whether the condition plays an
important role in people's daily practice and routines.
Also, how people may hide or camouflage the condition, and
why they may do this.
As the visibility of vitiligo is very much affected by
exposure to the sun for many, how important is the onset of
spring and summer for individuals?
As a condition which is determined by pigmentation, or lack
of it, I felt it was important to discover whether seasons
were significant to individuals. Summer is a time when
countries are at their hottest and sunniest, when people
tend to wear less clothing and expose their bodies more
fully. So, we can question whether this makes spring and
summer different experiences for individuals with vitiligo.
What are the implications of the lack of
knowledge about vitiligo?
This explores the knowledge society has of the condition,
and the repercussions any false views may project on to the
individual. A lack of knowledge may also be seen when
looking at the medical field, as they class vitiligo as a
cosmetic disorder. Therefore, it is important to explore the
role of doctors as a source of information and help.
The dissertation adopts a broad scope since this type of
literature is necessary when approaching a gap of knowledge.
The aim is therefore to generate information which captures
the experience of living with vitiligo. This approach
assumes the condition carries a stigma because it is an
attribute which categorises an individual as different,
which will be further explored in the literature review.
Literature Review
Vitiligo is an under-developed area in sociological
literature. Therefore it is necessary to construct a
background from other related areas in sociology. These
centre round issues of skin, stigma and impairment. I felt
it was important to illustrate the essential role the skin
plays for individuals and consider the consequences this may
have for those with vitiligo. Despite limited research on
vitiligo, knowledge can be gained of the types of
experiences one may encounter by considering other impairing
conditions, such as acne (Hawkesworth, 2001). This helps to
compose a background literature of other stigmatising
conditions, and so Goffman's Stigma' is also an essential
reading to be considered.
Skin Literature
The skin, like a cloak, covers us all over, the oldest
and the most sensitive of our organs, our first medium of
communication, and our most efficient of protectors
(Montagu, 1971: 1).
Montagu, in this statement, comments on why the skin is
important to people biologically, but also socially. As the
largest organ of the human body it covers us all over'. As
the most sensitive' it is susceptible to disorders. As our
first medium of communication' it is judged aesthetically.
As our most efficient of protectors' it is the body's
private police force (Ahmed, 1998: 49), but despite its
unique factors, it cannot protect us from the social effects
appearance impairing stigmas can cause.
Most of us take our skin for granted, but for vitiligo
sufferers it can be a source for apprehension, unease and
embarrassment as Kent (1999, 2000) portrays later. Here we
will explore the importance of skin to highlight why skin
disorders can carry stigmas, and why others may label such
conditions as vitiligo as deviant from the norm.
The attributes of the skin, as stated above, construct
this organ to be a marker of health and well-being, and so
is fetishised' as a representation of these qualities. It is
marked by differences and separates bodies from one another
as distinct. Ahmed (1998) discusses what the skin signifies
for the possessor and the observer. For instance, woman's
skin signifies femininity and is judged as a commodifiable
sign of her body-value , going on to say the danger of
disease, aging, sunburn and various ailments points to the
gap between the skin and (her) well-being (1998: 51).
Ahmed also focuses on the issues of tanning as a signifier
of healthy bodies. Acquiring the golden tan leads to
attaining the characteristics of hygiene and cleanliness,
which it symbolises. In relation to black and white skin,
colour, in this sense, is treated as an adornment, claims
Ahmed, which reflects the moral purity' of the white woman.
So, what connotations does this have for vitiligo?
Although Ahmed does not discuss vitiligo in her piece she
provides us with an account which raises important issues
about how the skin is read by others, its implications and
matters of tanning, which directly relates to the visibility
of vitiligo. It highlights the importance of the skin as a
medium of communication' as it is essential to how one is
viewed by others. It is these judgements and views of
society that may categorise skin as impaired and
stigmatised. Goffman (1963) exhibits the basic theories and
ideas of stigma, and its repercussions for the individual.
Stigma Literature
Erving Goffman (1963) refers to stigma as a special kind
of relationship between an attribute and a stereotype, which
society labels as deviant. Stigma is based on the conceptual
basis that what constitutes difference, or deviance, is
produced by society's rules and sanctions, and labelled
(Jacoby, 1994). He argues this can be split in to three
types. Firstly, are abominations of the body, which include
various physical deformities; secondly, blemishes of
individual character consisting of such characteristics as
homosexuality; and finally, tribal stigma, which can be
aspects such as race, religion or nation (Goffman, 1963:
14). According to this view vitiligo would be categorised as
the first stigma mentioned. However, this seems a harsh way
to describe the condition, which is why Goffman's argument
of societal views are also important to consider. This
claims stigmas are seen as such because society member's
catalogue individuals and attributes to be normal and
natural, so those who fall outside these are labelled as
deviant and stigmatised.
For the stigmatised, issues of acceptance are central.
When unsure and self-conscious of how they will be received
and identified, attempts may be made to correct what is seen
as a failing, which he terms a transformation of self'. In
relation to vitiligo, Kent (1999, 2000) claims sufferers use
practices of concealment, such as the use of camouflage
make-up. Furthermore, Goffman exhibits the idea of avoidant
behaviour. He argues that in anticipating contact with
normals', the stigmatised arrange their life so as to avoid
such situations. Kent sees vitiligo sufferers to pass up
certain social activities because of their condition, thus
reflecting Goffman's argument. However, in failing to
disguise a stigma, Goffman claims that strangers feel free
to approach the stigmatised and question them out of morbid
curiosity'. These encounters can be seen as enacted' or
felt' stigma. Jacoby (1994) portrays these differences in
relation to people with epilepsy suggesting that enacted
stigma refers to cases of discrimination against epilepsy
sufferers on the grounds of social unacceptability.
Alternatively, felt stigma refers to the shame associated
with being epileptic and the anxiety of enacted stigma,
therefore emphasising the acceptability of stigmatised
groups. These scenarios frequently lead to adoption of
categories that misfit the person, and uneasiness becomes
paramount, claims Goffman. Gardener (1991) follows Goffman's
view when discussing the norms and constraints of public
Gardener's argument claims that an individual seeks to
minimise visibility of the stigmatising characteristic in
order to enter public space. This is illustrated by Gardener
when saying that the hearing-impaired will sign smaller than
usual when among hearing people (1991: 258). This results in
radically different experiences of public places for the
stigmatised groups, as a place of self-consciousness and
unrest. Gardener concludes that it should be taken as
priority to present the experiences of the stigmatised
groups, to which I fully agree and aim to capture.
Hawkesworth (2001) complies with this need when discussing
acne sufferers.
In arguing The greatest barriers to disabled people's
inclusion in Western urbanised societies are often in the
human-constructed environment which serves to exclude those
whose bodily forms do not accord with specific conceptions
of the normal body (2001, 299), Hawkesworth provides us with
a powerful analysis of Western societal views of physical
appearance. In relation to acne, sufferers find it difficult
to acknowledge and talk about their condition, similarly to
Kent (1999). Furthermore, in compliance with Gardener and
Goffman, she claims that shame and embarrassment caused by
impairment can often lead to detachment from mainstream
public space. This led some to hold back in daily spatial
practices, such as paid work, argues Hawkesworth, while some
women ruled out marriage because of the skin disorder. It
becomes apparent that this was because certain situations
like weddings, parties and job interviews, when an
individual felt they needed to project a particular identity
to attract others, saw individuals perceiving their spots
and scars to be their defining feature. This is conveyed by
Bull and David (1986) who suggest that facial attractiveness
leads to more positive reactions from others. This is due to
the fact that there are certain assumptions about presenting
a clean pure appearance, says Hawkesworth. These are derived
from the stereotypical visual images which create aesthetic
appeal of sexuality, desirability and other values of
femininity promoting ideals of restrictive flawless images
(Hawkesworth, 2001; Ellis, 1998). However, as Goffman
argues, stigmatised groups in society attempt to conceal
their flaws, which may heighten acceptability.
Similarly, to the vitiligo sufferers Kent (1999, 2000)
refers to, Hawkesworth's study shows how acne sufferers
conceal their condition with make-up or related tactics
which would normalise appearance. However, the embarrassment
and shame that sufferers feel because of their condition
still prevail. The commonly held expectation that the female
face must appear smooth and free of blemishes or marks leads
to actions of self-consciousness, such as covering their
face with hands or hair. Therefore, Hawkesworth portrays
that individuals with acne often experience changes in
spatial practices or bodily movement because of society's
aesthetic prejudices towards the disfigured. However, the
focus of this study centres round women's experiences and
the consequences acne has on femininity, therefore excluding
male representations. Despite this, Hawkesworth shows how
skin disorders may have a major impact on an individual's
quality of life (Finlay and Coles, 1995). However, Ellis
(1998) sees skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis as
minor bodily stigmas'.
For Ellis, minor bodily stigmas refer to the small
imperfections that make individuals conscious that they may
be rejected or noticed, but are rarely severe enough to
become the focus of attention. She suggests that these may
be imperfections such as acne, baldness, lisping, body odour
and limping, which are not necessarily detectable at all
times, nor do they act as master statuses. Again similarly
to Goffman's ideas of stigma, she suggests many develop
coping mechanisms of concealment, but adds that efforts more
formal and collective, such as formations of support groups,
are infrequent. This claim by Ellis could be seen as
misguided when considering that although she suggests skin
disorders are minor bodily stigmas, individuals have
formulated support groups for sufferers, like the Vitiligo
Society, therefore confusing and discrediting Ellis' view.
Also, in consideration of Hawkesworth's study of acne
sufferers, it is possible to criticise Ellis' claim that as
a minor bodily stigma, acne rarely becomes the focus of
another's attention. This is because Hawkesworth illustrates
how one can be conscious of their appearance, so much so
that it may stop participation in social activities.
However, Ellis does illustrate an essential point when
considering the varying degrees of importance that people
place on their minor bodily stigmas. She argues that what
may be minor for one, may be major for the next and
nonexistent for the third, varying with age, gender,
ethnicity and across international situations (1998: 525).
She adds that frequency and type of comments are key in
dictating this, as Goffman also argues when stating that
acceptance is central for the stigmatised individual. This
aspect of society's involvement in producing the self is
furthered when considering Rosenberg 's view of self-image.
Rosenberg (1965) claims that an individual's self- concept
is not purely non-objective, but is the product of the
information gained through social experience. In other
words, the nature and influence of social experience shapes
who we are. For instance, the experiences of family life,
social class and religion each impose a lifestyle which
forms values, beliefs and ideals which provide the basis of
self-judgement. Therefore, this relates to Goffman and
Ellis' view that interaction and experiences with society
members shape our view of our selves, as well as the views
others have of us. In terms of conditions such as vitiligo,
society may come to think of the condition as deviant by
seeing how this plays a part in one's life.
Williams (1971) in Disease as Deviance' suggests there are
two ways in which a person who is ill or has a disease may
be defined as deviant'. Firstly, he claims that this happens
when impairment becomes permanent, and the person is forced
to abandon their social position and act within the
limitations of that condition, ultimately altering
self-concept. Secondly, this happens when the impairment
becomes defined as a stigma. This stems for the Ancient
Greek view that if a person had a physical disfigurement
this was taken as a sign that the person was morally and
religiously inferior. Therefore, similarly to Goffman, he
states that stigma reflects the deviance that society places
upon an individual's characteristic. In relation to skin
disorders, like vitiligo and acne, Kent (1999, 2000) and
Hawkesworth (2001) have exhibited that persons may alter
their behaviour and avoid certain activities because of
their appearance. Vitiligo is also a permanent impairment as
there is to date no cure. Thus, should we view these as
deviant? Or is this view taken because of public ignorance?
Scambler and Hopkins (1986) discuss the knowledge society
has of epilepsy and how these shape thoughts about the
condition. They suggest that the public are ignorant about
what epilepsy is which produces negative attitudes, making
sufferers prone to discrimination. This knowledge of
epilepsy, they claim, stems from occasional encounters with
sufferers, the media and witnessed seizures. This produces
categorisations which misfit the truth of such groups, as
Goffman suggests in Stigma'. Therefore, by educating society
about different conditions and the experiences of sufferers
may reduce discriminatory action which is based on misguided
Such literature provides us with a basis for understanding
how impairing conditions as vitiligo may affect the
individual, their lifestyle and experiences. Deeper
understanding can also be achieved through analysis of the
small amount of research on vitiligo, as well as discussions
presented in newspapers and the like.
Vitiligo Literature
Research into the social aspects of vitiligo is limited.
From this minimal amount, the disciplines of sociology and
psychology provide background to the research in
highlighting central points. Since the psychological
literature is within the sphere of social psychology it is
worth noting as it discusses issues of stigma, concealment
and self-esteem.
The stigmatised are those whose attributes are labelled as
deviant by others (Goffman, 1963). For instance, McNeil Jr.
in the New York Times (2003) discusses the story of a young
boy with vitiligo. This tells how classmates called him
weird' and mocked him because of his appearance, and so
illustrates the importance of others perceptions. Kent
(2000) sees this influence of a second party as a prominent
issue in his analysis of the social and psychological
functioning of those with vitiligo.
He suggests that individual concerns about appearance
begin with a triggering event. This event increases
visibility of the condition, leading to unwanted exposure
making an individual feel socially threatened. For instance,
the onset of spring sees pigmented areas increase in colour
with exposure the sun, making the contrast between pigmented
and depigmented skin more visible. With such an event, the
reactions of a second party were prominent enough to trouble
the individual. This led to felt stigma, which, as argued
above, refers to the indignity associated with the
condition, and the anxiety of enacted stigma. Individuals
felt excluded and rejected, consequently experiencing
heightened embarrassment and self-consciousness. Such a
feeling prompted impression management', claims Kent ,
through practices of concealment and avoidant behaviour, as
discussed earlier, similarly to Goffman. The consequences
here are reduced visibility of the condition and declining
possibility of further exposure. These findings seem to echo
Kent 's earlier work on vitiligo and stigma.
Kent (1999) claims vitiligo sufferers control information
which they disclose about themselves to others, as Goffman
also suggests. Furthermore, claims are made that perceived
stigma was significantly related to the extent vitiligo
affected social activities. However, no mention is made of
what social activities, or social situations, may, or may
not, be avoided which is an aspect I wish to explore in my
research. More problems consistent in Kent 's work can be
Kent clearly states that his findings may not be typical
of the experiences of all vitiligo sufferers because the
sample is taken from members of the UK Vitiligo Society
alone. This restricts participants to a population who were
sufficiently concerned about their condition to join the
society, and so is biased and cannot be generalised. On the
other hand, my research invited members and non-members of
the Vitiligo Society, since access to the website was open
for all. In other words, it was not necessary to be a member
to find out about the research, whereas for Kent 's,
membership was a compulsory requirement. In addition, this
included those who viewed the request for help on the
American Vitiligo Support website whose members range from
all over the world. Here the notice was spotted by the
administrator of a further Italian vitiligo website who
translated the questionnaire and placed it on to the forum,
so Italian groups were also accessed. This creates a sprawl
of international participants describing their experiences,
which Kent fails to achieve in his research. However, Kent
's research is useful in enhancing knowledge of the social
and psychological aspects of vitiligo, and in raising
concerns of the effects of stigma upon an individual. Porter
and colleagues (1988, 1990, 1991) provide background with a
more sociological outlook.
Such sociological understandings of vitiligo focus round
aspects of race, age and effects on sexual relationships.
Porter and Beuf (1988) analyse the responses of older people
to the appearance impairing condition which raises central
issues about the importance of appearance when considering
the experiences of vitiligo sufferers. Porter and Beuf claim
older patients are better adjusted to such impairing
conditions as vitiligo, since they had more experience in
coping with any discrimination encountered and also reported
more support. A central issue was that self-esteem and
importance of appearance to an individual does not differ by
age. However, appearance conjures up different ideas for
different ages. For the younger group it implies beauty and
sexual attractiveness, in contrast to definitions of
cleanliness and being properly attired, adopted by the older
groups of the sample. In consideration of the younger view,
it is interesting to note Porter et. al.'s (1990) research
into the effect vitiligo has on sexual relationships.
The research claims one-quarter of the sample believe
vitiligo has interfered in sexual relationships, while
25-50% experienced stress when meeting strangers, when in
contact with the opposite sex and when wearing more exposing
clothes. Therefore, it was the more casual contact with
strangers that resulted in the most stressful situations. In
particular, single people were reported to experience
heightened stress, and men, more difficulty in the sexual
realm. This illustrates interesting points about gender
differences and how social situations may affect a person's
well-being. A later study reflects upon issues around
vitiligo, stigma and racial differences.
Porter and Beuf (1991) discuss racial variations in
reaction to physical stigma. This draws attention to
concerns of the symbolic meaning of skin colour. By
suggesting vitiligo has racial connotations for blacks,
Porter and Beuf emphasis the distress and anxiety blacks
experience by turning white, leading to higher degrees of
discrimination. The research also suggests that women are
more likely to use make-up to conceal their condition and
discuss it compared to than men, which may reflect why 76%
of Kent 's and 71% of Porter and Beuf's sample were female.
My research however, reflects a more even distribution of
gender than these, with 66% of the sample female
respondents. It is also worth demonstrating that Porter's (1988, 1990, 1991) research is difficult to
generalise to all vitiligo sufferers, even more so than Kent
's, because of problems of under-representation.
The sample is comprised of patients receiving treatment
for vitiligo in clinics, therefore included those who were
concerned enough about their condition to seek medical help
and treatment. In this sense, mild cases of vitiligo are
under-represented, as well as the newly diagnosed, as people
tend to only seek help several months after an initial
diagnoses. Neither Kent 's (1999, 2000) nor my own study are
limited to clinic attendants, and so, it can be suggested,
that each grasps a wider range of mild to severe cases. From
my own study, the opportunity to participate was made
available to those initially seeking information about
vitiligo. This allows a variety of representations, from
those who have had the condition for a few months, to some
that have had it for many years. However, despite
weaknesses, Porter's and Kent's research presents
much needed and enlightening work into the social and
psychological effects of vitiligo. As an under-developed
realm of research the contributions are valuable in gaining
knowledge about how stigma affects vitiligo sufferers.
However, these studies do not provide the more in-depth,
personal experiences which I hope to uncover. Newspaper
articles and publications provide instances of personal
stories and episodes which shape an individual's
relationship with themselves and society.
Janet Haslam (1997), in The Guardian, describes the
experiences of a lady, who has had vitiligo for over forty
years, now covering half of her body. She describes vitiligo
aptly as a constant bereavement'. As a teenager, when the
condition started, she questioned her attractiveness because
her skin's appearance. These demanding social and
psychological effects progressed up to a point in her life
when self-esteem was low, she was depressed and panicky',
coming close to a nervous breakdown. This story illustrates
the effects that ever so often are unconsidered when
thinking about such disfiguring conditions. Sarojini
Ariyanayagam, whom founded the Vitiligo Society, spoke about
her experience of turning white to Dr Gillian Rice on a BBC
Radio 4 programme (2002) which exhibited events in her life
which reach the extremities of vitiligo.
When living in Sri Lanka , Sarojini developed vitiligo in
her teenage years, encountering constant staring at the
irregular visible white patches on her body. Despite many
courses of treatment, nothing significantly helped her
condition. With more depigmented areas, than pigmented areas
on her body, she made the decision to eradicate the
remaining areas of colour through a process of
depigmentation. Now living in the United States she is a
white American, and on occasions is privy to racist
conversations. Her story provides us with the harsh
realities and struggles that vitiligo can cause. She has
lost her identity as a women of colour' and to her, despite
appearances, she is still a black woman within.
Therefore, these personal stories provide an illustration
of the experiences vitiligo can impose upon an individual.
They provide evidence in supporting the need for further
knowledge about the condition and the social effects it may
cause. However, it can be argued that such articles only
portray more severe cases, and I think it is important to
illustrate the experiences that are less intrusive to
people's lives too.
Research Methods
The use of a cross-sectional design will guide the
execution of research methods and analysis of data. This
involves the collection of data from a high number of cases,
at a single point in time, which collects qualitative and
quantitative data. These will be associated with a number of
variables which, through examination, will provide patterns
of association.
Self-completion questionnaires were used, combining open
and closed questions, which were distributed by email. The
sample was made accessible by the help of the UK Vitiligo
Society and the US Vitiligo Support Organisation. Initially,
a notice was placed by the Vitiligo Society on their website
( requesting help with research.
This provided the opportunity for anyone willing to help
with the necessary contact details in order to do so. After
an insufficient response rate from this site, permission was
given to place further notice on the message board of the
Vitiligo Support website (, stating
again details of how people could help if they wished to do
so. Once I had been contacted by individuals offering their
help, an email was forwarded which included a copy of the
questionnaire and covering letter which informed of who I
was, my reasons for researching this area, contact details
and instructions. In completing the questionnaire
participants either posted their response back by mail, or
it was returned again by email. Interest was also shown by
an Italian vitiligo group offering their help. After
translation, the questionnaire was placed on the forum of
the website extending the sample further. Responses were
again returned by email.
Why self-completion questionnaires?
As a widely used resource, the internet and electronic
mail provide access to large numbers of people on an
international scale. The use of self-completion
questionnaires allows access to those who use the internet,
which could not be done so cheaply and efficiently by using
other methods such as interviews.
This method incurs little cost and is quick to administer,
since questionnaires can be distributed in large quantities.
It is also absent of interviewer effects, such as aspects of
ethnicity, gender and social background which may bias an
individuals response. Also, problems arise since respondents
tend to under-report aspects which they are sensitive about,
which is particularly relevant in this study as participants
are reporting about personal experiences which may cause
anxiety. In this sense it was also important to give
respondents time to complete questions at their own pace,
rather than, to some extent, being under the pressure of an
interview situation with little time to contemplate answers.
However, there are also problems with self-completion
questionnaires that are well known in research, but attempts
were made to overcome these to a certain extent.
A prominent problem is that people simply will not fill in
questionnaires to which is of no interest to them (Bryman,
2001). Since people were contacting me offering their help,
I overcame this to some extent, because people had an
apparent interest to make the initial contact. However, in
completing the questionnaire and sending it back, other
factors need to be considered.
It was important to ensure questions were clear and
unambiguous since no interviewer was present to prompt.
Neither could respondents be probed to elaborate while
answering questions. However, in conducting the research
through the Vitiligo Society it was necessary for the
questionnaire to be checked by the Medical Advisory
Committee of the charity before being distributed. This
raised any ambiguities or problems, acting as a kind of
pilot research, to which I could respond and rectify.
Furthermore, participants were advised to contact me if
clarification of any questions were required, and most
offered further help so responses could be followed up and
elaborated if necessary.
Despite efforts to prevent, some problems prevailed, as
with all research methods. A researcher administering such a
method has no control of who answers the questionnaire. In
other words, to whom the questionnaire was emailed to, may
not necessarily be the person responding, and an element of
trust is involved, as always is with any research.
Furthermore, such self-completion questionnaires are not
appropriate for certain kind of respondents. As I found,
language barriers can be a problem when conducting research
in which the population is a global one, who cannot all
speak English. It is also important to take into
consideration that respondents do not want to write large
amounts, so the number of questions and open questions must
be kept to a minimum. However, the research topic demands
detailed answers, rather than fixed choice options,
therefore the questionnaire combined both open and closed
questions. This meant respondents were not faced with masses
of space to fill with writing, but rather easy tick box'
questions as well as chance for more reflective and thought
provoking ones.
Open Questions
Open questions allow respondents to answer on their own
terms, rather than being forced into a set answer. This
allows for issues to be raised which may have not been
anticipated, and provides in-depth descriptions of an
individual's experiences to which there is little knowledge.
It is particularly important for this group to have the
chance to describe in their own words since the research
hopes to provide deeper understanding of experience, which
open questions allow. However, these types of questions are
time consuming and require more effort from respondents,
which may be relieved to some extent by including closed
questions too.
Closed Questions
These provide easy to process and analyse data which are
simple to compare, in contrast to open questions. They are
quick for the participants to complete, and may also clarify
the meaning of a question too. However, they lose
spontaneity of replies by placing individuals in a fixed
box, when this may not cover the true answer. Validity is
also jeopardized as interpretations of the fixed answers may
In addition, it should also be made clear that respondents
were encouraged to write freely, with no limits being placed
on how much or how little could be written. Plus, the
questionnaire ended asking for any additional information
which individuals felt were important issues to raise. This
gave the chance for spontaneity of thoughts and feelings
which may not have been covered by questions. However,
questionnaire responses are renowned as low for this
research method, so it is important to ask what else can be
done to improve this situation.
To Improve Problems of Response Rates
In providing a good covering letter explaining the reasons
for research, its importance and guarantees of
confidentiality, I felt this may improve response rates. I
also stated my own identity as a vitiligo sufferer in
explaining my reasons for conducting this research, which I
later found to be an important part in heightening response
rates. Many respondents have expressed how they were much
more willing to explore their experiences and initially
contact me, since they felt more at ease telling a fellow
sufferer. Respondents were also more tolerant of helping
with the study as it was a topic, not only of interest to
them, but also for many an important part of whom they are.
In other words, people would not send the initial email
offering their contributions if they were uninterested in
the area of study and in helping. Efforts were also made to
establish a rapport with respondents by personalising
emails. As many did, if questions were asked about my own
experiences or simply words of support were needed, enough
time was given so ensure people received a sufficient
response, as a way of reassurance and co-operation.
Regardless of these efforts response rates did not reach
100%, and follow-up emails were sent acting as a reminder to
prompt completion and return of the questionnaires. Such
endeavours resulted in a response rate of 71%. The
classification of the sufficiency of this amount is depicted
by Mangione's scale below:
Over 85% - excellent
70 85% - very good
60 70% - acceptable
50 60% - barely acceptable
Below 50% - not acceptable
(Mangoine, 1995: 60-1)
By virtue of accessibility, the population selected was a
convenience sample. As described above the sample consisted
of vitiligo sufferers who viewed requests for help on the
Vitiligo Society and Vitiligo Support websites. These could
be accessed by members and non-members worldwide, but of
course relied upon internet and email access. Responses came
from countries ranging from Pakistan , Australia , Italy ,
Mexico , of course Britain and America , among others.
As with any stigmatising appearance-related research it is
central that a researcher considers ethical principles
throughout. This tends to be associated with four key areas:
Harm to participants;
Informed consent;
Invasion of privacy;
(Lee-Treweek and Linkgole, 2000)
In the case of this research, harm to participants
consists of avoiding misrepresentation of the group and the
consequences this may cause, as well as the use of sensitive
language. On the request of some of my participants I will
not be using the word disease' when referring to vitiligo as
this word invokes feelings of contamination, infection and
deviance, none of which are related to vitiligo. It is also
important to consider the repercussions of discussing
sensitive subjects in a person's life experience. This can
be anticipated because of the sensitivity of the group and
therefore guarded against by such things as ensured
Participants must be provided with sufficient information
about the consequences of their involvement and consent to
the use of their data. This includes keeping participants
informed at all times.
Further importance should be placed in avoiding invading
privacy. Through reassurance that respondents do not have to
justify any questions they may refuse to answer, making it
clear that respondents may write freely as little or as much
as they wish, and also ensuring anonymity and
In avoiding deception, again the central point is keeping
participants well informed of the research aims and
Results of Vitiligo Study
After 63 questionnaires had been requested and
distributed, 45 were returned producing a response rate of
71%. 66% of the 45 respondents were female, compiling a
fairly equal split in terms of sex. The majority were
between the ages of 19 and 29 years (42%), with a median age
of 37. One participant was under the age of 16 and so cannot
be used as reliable data since parental help may make the
response invalid, although parental consent was sought. In
terms of determining an individual's skin tone, respondents
were asked to categorise themselves as fair, olive, medium
or dark. This relied on each individual's interpretation of
skin tone being the same and so may not be a reliable and
true scale. From these self-interpretations 4% of the sample
classed themselves with a dark skin tone, whereas the other
three categories (i.e. fair, olive and medium) were fairly
equally split.
In relation to the severity of vitiligo, the sample
grasped a full scope of conditions. These ranged from
individuals with minor conditions consisting of one or two
patches, to those with full or 95% depigmentation. 64% of
the sample classed their vitiligo to be less than 25%, which
may reflect the vitiligo population as a whole, as total
depigmentation is uncommon. All but one participant claimed
vitiligo affected visible parts of the body, and even this
one respondent said the vitiligo was noticeable in summer.
The results of the research will be displayed in terms of
the research questions, focusing on a quantitative outlook,
which will be elaborated in a more qualitative manner in the
How do factors of age, skin tone, sex and the severity of
vitiligo affect the likelihood of stigmatised encounters?
When questioning participants about any negative episodes
they have experienced, I sought to illustrate the types of
stigmatised response they may encounter. Respondents were
therefore asked whether they had ever received negative
comments, teasing or bullying as a result of their
condition. This received an almost equally split response,
as 51% had not experienced negativity while 49% had. For
example, one respondent describes the reactions to their
condition in the workplace. At the school were they worked,
the children knew them as the spook , and often questioned
their parents about the respondent's appearance.
A division is also illustrated when considering the factor
of sex. Half of the females in the sample, and 53% of the
males, had not experienced any kind of negativity due to
their condition. In terms of skin tone, 58% of the
participants with olive skin had been subject to stigmatised
encounters, similarly to just over half of those with fair
skin. From the two respondents with dark skin, one had and
one had not received negativity. However, the one who had
not, stated that their vitiligo was very minor, in contrast
to the other who classed themselves as 26-50% affected. This
may portray the significance of severity.
The results show that out of the 23 respondents whom had
not encountered stigmatised incidence, 18 had less than 25%
vitiligo. Therefore, the majority of those with least
severity had not experienced negativity. However, from the
respondents whose vitiligo affected 26-50% and 76-100% of
the body, more persons had experienced a negative attitude
towards them.
Are issues of concealment and avoidance important to the
experiences of individuals with vitiligo?
In asking whether respondents made a conscious effort to
hide or camouflage their vitiligo I wanted to determine
whether the condition played an important role in people's
daily lives and routines. The results showed that 47% did
attempt to cover vitiligo, while 29% did so sometimes, such
as in summertime and on special occasions. This combines as
a total of 76% who made some effort to hide or camouflage
their vitiligo, leaving less ¼ who made no effort.
Respondents stated the kinds of practices and routines
they used to do this. These ranged from medical treatments
such as PUVA, to camouflage make-up like dermacolour and
veil camouflage cream. Regular daily practices were also
used like, for example cosmetic make-up, clothing, hair dyes
and specific bodily movements, such as putting hands in
pockets. However, practices like the use of make-up and
camouflage creams tended to be used more by women, reflected
by the 87% of females who attempted to camouflage or hide
vitiligo all the time, or sometimes.
All respondents with an olive skin tone made some effort
to conceal their condition, and nearly all with fair skin
did, by using products such self tanning cream or factor 60
sun block, so that pigmented areas would not tan. This is
similar to persons with 76-100% depigmented skin. Out of the
three in the survey with this severity, one said they used
make-up, excess clothing and fake tan to conceal their
condition, in contrast to the others in this category who
made no effort. As well as hiding or camouflaging vitiligo,
people also avoided situations and activities.
In the questionnaire, participants were asked whether they
avoided the following activities and situations: swimming;
wearing certain clothes; beach holidays and sunbathing;
nightclubs with UV lights; sexual encounters and undressing
in changing rooms. Respondents indicated if they did not do
these things usually, so were not counted, and were also
asked to suggest any further activities they avoided. This
grasped a full range of situations which people avoided to
show how daily life is experienced by vitiligo sufferers.
The results portrayed that no one activity or situation
was specifically avoided by the respondents. Beach holidays
and sunbathing proved to be most avoided by 56% of the
sample, while undressing in changing rooms was least avoided
(65%). Other activities that people suggested they steered
away from consisted of many daily practices. People kept
away from photographs, avoided shaking hands, going to
parties and the gym, as well as signing documents in front
of people and driving with someone in the passenger seat of
their car. Long periods exposed to the sun, like picnics,
tended also to be a worry, along with giving business
presentations and getting facials, which require the person
to be given a lot of attention.
As the visibility of vitiligo is very much affected by
exposure to the sun, how important is the onset of spring
and summer for individuals?
With exposure to the sun an individual's vitiligo can
become ever more noticeable as its rays tan the pigmented
areas, creating greater contrast to the depigmented areas of
skin. Therefore, I felt it was important to explore the
significance of the summer months as they seem so crucial to
the condition. When asking respondents to indicate how much
the statement: In the past I have resisted exposure to the
sun to avoid making my condition more visible', applied to
them there was a clear sex division. The results illustrated
that 25 of the 30 females in the sample either strongly
agreed' or agreed' with the statement, in contrast to only 6
males. Instead the majority of males (53%) opted to strongly
disagree' or disagree' that they avoid exposure to the sun.
However, summertime still proved to be important in
affecting people's activities.
Respondents indicated a heightened awareness of their
condition in relation to its visibility to others.
Vitiligo's vulnerability to sun burn was also a major issue
as people debated the types of clothes to wear. Some
indicated that despite not wanting to, they were more
inclined to cover up because of the sensitivity of their
What are the implications of the lack of knowledge
about vitiligo?
As a condition that has no cure and is dismissed by many
health professionals as cosmetic, as well as relatively
unknown in society, it is important to consider the
repercussions of this lack of knowledge. This unawareness
can be illustrated amongst the sample itself as only 5
participants (11%) said they knew about vitiligo before they
themselves developed it. Even some of these stated that they
were only aware of the condition because a relative had it,
and so would otherwise be uninformed. Many respondents
expressed that they could not get the support they needed
from doctors because the condition is not painful,
contagious or life-threatening.
When asked whether doctors where sympathetic towards their
condition, 37% of respondents stated that these
professionals were not at all' sympathetic, while 30%
responded slightly'. This makes a total of 67% who expressed
discontent with the response of their doctors. Only 12% of
the sample suggested that doctors were very' sympathetic to
their condition, with many pointing out that this was the
dermatologists rather than their GP. Furthermore, some
respondents were told that nothing could be done for the
condition with no information being offered about
treatments, while some doctors were unfamiliar with the
condition or simply thought of it in cosmetic terms. People
with white skin exhibited that doctors did not take their
condition seriously as it was deemed as relatively
unnoticeable. However, this lack of knowledge is also
reflected in society as a whole.
Some respondents expressed how people think the condition
is contagious and conduct their actions according to this
view. Participants told how others would avoid touching them
and appear disgusted by the sight of their skin. Others said
how they had been asked if they had had a bath in acid'
quite openly by strangers. As well as worries of
experiencing such stigmatised encounters, others also
expressed fears of the possible genetic inheritance that may
be associated with vitiligo. Along with this, respondents
also experienced anxiety about the condition spreading.
Discussion about Vitiligo
This section will discuss the results in a more
qualitative fashion so as to grasp a full range of
experiences encountered, and the way these reflect upon
previous research. Areas of interest will be split into
separate segments to highlight the key findings of the
The results of the research raise central issues
associated to stigma, such as concealment and avoidance, but
also aspects which can be seen as particular to vitiligo.
This section will explore the more specific experiences of
vitiligo sufferers, the reactions to these and the effect
upon the person and their conduct of daily social life. In
order to convey the true experiences of the person with
vitiligo, I feel it is important to use their own words to
illustrate their thoughts and feelings. No one can say how
they feel better than they can.
Stigmatised Encounters with Vitiligo
As other research has illustrated, stigma is very much
related to labelling an attribute as different (Goffman,
1963). Therefore, it is important to question why vitiligo
sufferers may see themselves as different from other members
of society. This relates to how members of society react to
vitiligo which can be exemplified by the negativity received
by 49% of the sample. For instance, many respondents told
how anyone and everyone stares , making them feel
embarrassed and uncomfortable. The variety of remarks made,
such as black and white multi-colour , have you been burned?
and acid or tiger girl , confirms why people may feel
different. In addition to the occasional comments received,
some participants expressed how they were bullied and teased
The negativity conducted on this basis were commonly
situated in the location of the school, as reflected by
McNeil Jnr.'s (2003) article about a young boy with vitiligo
who was called weird' by his classmates. One respondent who
has had vitiligo since the age of thirteen describes how
they were subjected to a lot of bullying at school because
the condition covered large parts of the face. Similarly,
another described:
There were a couple of girls at school that used to pick
on me at different times and call me names like patchy' and
spot', and say things like look at the freak' always in
front other people. I used to cry my eyes out sometimes and
look at other people and ask myself €¦why me?
Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why 76% of
the sample made some effort, all the time or sometimes, to
or hide or camouflage vitiligo.
Concealing Vitiligo
By attempting to camouflage or hide vitiligo, respondents
sought to minimise the visibility of their condition, and
thus achieve acceptance by others around them, as Gardener
(1991) also suggests. In studying acne sufferers,
Hawkesworth (2001) exhibited how they concealed their flaws
with make-up, and so complies with my findings. Other
practices used which are more specific to vitiligo include
camouflage make-up, self-tanning cream, eye brow and lash
dye and high factor sun protection. One respondent said that
covering it up makes me feel more normal , while another
stated she used make-up because my face looks freaky without
it . More routine bodily movements were also used by those
with vitiligo, like the acne sufferers in Hawkesworth's
study who used their hands and hair to cover their face. I
found that people used similar body movements such as
holding drinks with the other hand, and sitting positions.
These all convey Goffman's theory that the stigmatised
correct what is seen by others as a failing, as well as Kent
's (2002) idea of impression management'. This is
exemplified by a participant who said:
It seems that the condition is always on my mind. I am
always aware of let's say, what vitiligo is showing on my
body, who can see it, if they are looking at it, their
facial expression, and try to avoid conversation .
Concealment of the condition, whether through clothing,
make-up or body movement, seems to make people feel that
they are reducing the likelihood of stigmatised encounters,
and thus achieving acceptance. This involves self-conscious
actions and movements for some, as well as attempts to avoid
situations, as the respondent states above. This reflects
Goffman's theory that in anticipating contact with normals',
the stigmatised try to avoid it.
Avoiding Situations because of Vitiligo
Some respondents started to avoid certain situations with
the onset of vitiligo, anticipating when and where
visibility may be heightened. For example, one female told:
After I got white patches on my hands at the age of 32, I
started avoiding going to some stores such as nail salons,
jewellers and cosmetic stores where they want to try new
products on my hands .
This echoes Hawkesworth (2001) and Kent 's (1999, 2000)
studies that illustrated how embarrassment can lead to
detachment from mainstream public space and social
activities. These included spaces like the work place and
for others, more social occasions, for instance:
On special occasions, even on the occasions of my very
close relatives, like the wedding of ceremony of my sister I
tried my best to avoid the camera .
Other respondents suggest how social involvement in
general has been, or still is a worry, as one person stated,
I avoid social involvement and am very agoraphobic . It
seems that heightened embarrassment is a factor predominant
in dictating social involvement, for example, I feel
embarrassed and uncomfortable about it a great deal. It has
made me more introvert and less out going . In addition, the
research similarly reflects Kent 's (1999) findings that
people with vitiligo tend to control information which they
disclose about themselves to others. One lady describes that
due to embarrassment she has been unable to tell her husband
about the condition. This illustrates how uncomfortable
individuals can feel about vitiligo. This can affect them by
ruling out marriage, in the same way that Hawkesworth found
in acne sufferers. Here we see the impact vitiligo can have
upon people's lives and social experiences. Others have also
described experiences in which vitiligo has a profound
effect upon their lives.
In reaction to being bullied at school one participant
described how:
Sometimes I would pretend to be ill and put myself in the
sick bay at school, just to avoid them. My teenage years
were the worst and this is where I contemplated suicide .
This huge impact is not the only incidence described of
this kind:
Vitiligo nearly destroyed my life, since I used to turn
to drugs and alcohol to escape reality. I also tried to
commit suicide twice when I was younger after I had been
rejected by people because of my vitiligo .
Therefore, vitiligo can produce shocking experiences of
social exclusion and rejection to the highest extent. These
illustrate the kinds of emotional experiences individuals
with vitiligo may undergo, and the many activities and
situations some miss out on because they may not be
accepted. For instance, I feel like a lot of my youth was
taken away from me because of this disease, as it has
stopped me enjoying everyday things . These kinds of
thoughts, feelings and experiences about social space
reiterate the stigma of looking different, described by
Goffman. Appearance and physical attractiveness therefore
seem crucial to the experiences of acceptance and vitiligo.
Issues of Appearance and Attraction of Vitiligo
As a so-called, appearance-impairing' condition (Porter
and Beuf, 1988) feelings of attractiveness provide a basis
for how people feel about themselves, which is central in
how they conduct their daily lives. From my research I found
24 out of the 30 females (80%) in the sample agreed that
vitiligo had affected feelings of attractiveness at some
point, and 19 (63%) consider appearance to be very'
important to them. This can be exemplified by the comments
made by one female participant who said:
Vitiligo is psychologically traumatising. I have
difficulty because it began in my early 20's, just when I
need to be at my most attractive and confident. It is also
difficult because I can remember how nice I looked before
these ravages .
This is kind of view illustrates why 63% of females saw
vitiligo as moderately' or very' appearance impairing, while
only 5 of the sexes combined, saw it as not at all'
impairing. This may then reflect the outcome that a minority
of 27% felt others saw their condition as not impairing of
their appearance. To illustrate this point it is possible to
turn to the comments of a respondent who describes that:
Usually people stare when I'm sitting on the
bus/train/tube, somewhere where I'm sitting in close
proximity to strangers. Their staring reiterates what I feel
about myself, which is that I look abnormal .
Further examples illustrate how important it is for people
to feel attractive:
I always feel that due to my vitiligo I am not
impressive. Any girl who sees me won't get attracted to me
unless she speaks to me and gets impressed by the way I
speak or behave. So, by the way that if she doesn't get the
chance to get familiar with me, for her my condition would
be impairing .
Therefore, for the person with vitiligo the appearance of
the skin and the visibility of the condition is very
important to how they perceive their attractiveness.
Ahmed (1998) discusses how tanned skin signifies healthy
bodies, which complies with the views vitiligo sufferers
have of themselves. Respondents have reflected on the
repercussions of possessing a pale complexion when saying, I
feel I look pale and pasty, and unhealthy , while another
suggests she looks tired without make-up on, and so never
goes out without it. For others restrictions on the types of
clothes that can be worn was a sight of disappointment. As
Ahmed suggests, woman's skin signifies femininity, and
respondents have claimed that having to restrict its
exposure affects feelings of attractiveness. One female
suggests that From a female perspective, often I felt less
womanly' because I feel limited on what I wear.
Specifically, sexy' shoes, dresses and so on . Another says
that I'm 20, I want to put on a bathing suit and to go to
the beach or wear cute tank tops and not think twice, and
not be looked at funny .
Some respondents also felt a need to avoid sexual
encounters, as Porter (1990) have also suggested.
This research claimed that men tended to have more
difficulty coping in the sexual realm, but my research
contrasts with this view. 67% of males claimed they did not
avoid sexual encounters because of their condition, while
50% of females did. This reluctance for some centred round
fears of rejection:
I have had a problem getting intimate with men because I
was very afraid of getting rejected. It affected my
self-confidence/self-esteem as a woman .
This comment illustrates the importance appearance has on
feelings of acceptance, and also of self-esteem. Porter and
Beuf (1988) have suggested that the importance of appearance
does not differ by age, which my results do not comply to.
For instance, 63% of 19-29 year olds classed appearance as
very' important, in contrast to only 33% of 60-69 year olds.
Furthermore, 20% of the youngest age group thought that
vitiligo was very' impairing of their appearance, while none
of the oldest group did. However, the view of the condition
being impairing can be seen as related to visibility. Many
respondents suggested that the summer months created this
problem, and felt this was a time when actions and social
involvement were most restricted. This complies with Kent 's
(2000) findings that the onset of spring acted as a
triggering event for heightened visibility, and so is
crucial for sufferers.
The Significance of Spring and Summer on Vitiligo
The most embarrassing time for me is in summer as I can't
dress the way others do and often think people are looking
at me and wondering why I am dressed head to toe .
This approach to summer and exposure to the sun is one
many respondents stated they took, as it not only decreases
the likelihood of visibility but also of sun burn. However,
the on look of others in society again becomes a crucial
feature in the way people act, and thus shapes daily
I feel that sometimes people think I should always keep
the vitiligo covered up as it is unsightly, especially in
summer when it is more visible .
This feeling of difference, and some extent
disappointment, is reiterated by a further respondent:
When I look at my skin I feel dirty. Most of the time I
don't really think about it, but in the summer I look at
other people with normal skin and wish I had skin that was
all one colour .
Appearance is again raised as a central issue for vitiligo
which relate to embarrassment as sufferers feel they appear
multi-coloured . This affected social situations for some,
treating them as something to be avoided in summer. The
affect of this is commented by one respondent who said:
I often feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about
vitiligo. I have suffered very low self-esteem due to this
and at times, especially in summer, depression. At one stage
in my life I was suicidal .
This kind of reaction to the onset of the summer months
exhibits felt stigma, which Jacoby (1994) describes. It also
highlights the increased visibility of vitiligo, reflecting
why some feel winter is the best part of the year . This is
probably best described by one respondent who stated:
Thank the good Lord for fall and winter, when it is out
of sight it is out of mind for a while, but it is always
lurking there waiting to be revealed .
Correspondingly to Kent (2000) the evidence portrays that
spring and summer are crucial for vitiligo, mainly due to
aspects of increased visibility. As has been shown this can
cause a variety of problems for individuals by restricting
what they feel they can do, wear and take part in.
Respondents have also raised issues about the cultural
implications of vitiligo, some of which have not been
illustrated by other research.
Cultural Implications of Vitiligo
Cultural identity was highlighted as an issue for one
respondent in a similar way to Sarojini's story as a black
woman who turned white, described earlier. I find myself
standing out because I pass as white with my complexion, but
Indian with my features . This complies with Porter and
Beuf's (1991) discussion of the symbolic meaning of colour
and the implications of vitiligo for dark skinned sufferers.
With 76-100% loss of pigment the respondent goes further in
saying that I can very easily confuse people as I have few
patches of my original colour . Therefore, consideration of
changing identities must also be highlighted when discussing
the loss of colour.
Different cultural views about vitiligo have also been
highlighted by some respondents, in terms of forming, and
keeping, new relationships. For instance one female
describes the impact vitiligo had upon her relationship, and
the specific cultural responses surrounding this:
When this started, my boyfriend at the time broke up with
me. Once I over heard a relative (who wanted me to marry her
son) say thank God I had said no' to the proposal and now
nobody would want to marry me .
She later goes on to suggest the extended impact vitiligo
has in certain cultures:
I feel that in societies where marriages are still
arranged and especially in Asians the impact is much more,
not just on the person who has vitiligo but also on the
whole family. It is virtually impossible to find someone for
those people .
This account of varied cultural experiences is reiterated
by a fellow respondent:
At the present moment my condition has become a lot more
important. As an Asian, there is a lot of ignorance and
prejudice about the condition, and as such it is proving
very difficult to find a partner, even though people can't
tell I have it. The girls themselves are accepting and
simply want to be educated, but the parents refuse to accept
me, primarily due to it being a genetic condition. Just
recently I have come out of a very serious relationship,
purely because of my vitiligo .
He also explains why vitiligo is viewed in a more negative
manner than associated skin disorders:
Due to the heavy cosmetic nature of vitiligo, it is
considered worse than eczema in my community .
Such incidence exemplify the presence of enacted stigma,
which Jacoby (1994) refers to. It also sheds some light on
the cultural impact of vitiligo in Asian communities, which
would be an interesting topic for further research. It
highlights the significance of the possible genetic factor
associated with vitiligo, and its importance not just on the
individual, but also on the families, as has been exhibited.
Others have also expressed fears of this kind, so that
future children do not have to experience the things they
may have. One participant simply says that the possible
genetic inheritance saddens me , while another is afraid
that her children will develop it. I think this conveys the
importance of the role of the doctor as a person who can
reassure and provide the information necessary.
Unfortunately individuals do not seem to be receiving this
Lack of Knowledge of Vitiligo
Doctors have offered me nothing ; My GP wasn't interested
. These comments recurred throughout my research, which is
an area untouched by others. One respondent suggests why the
medical field appear so unhelpful with this condition, but
also the repercussions of this lacking action:
Doctors tell me it is cosmetic and won't kill me'. They
don't know what it is doing to me inside .
Another view illustrates the lack of knowledge surrounding
the condition, and aspirations that this will change:
I feel hopeless when I see that the doctors cannot help
me with this condition. Some doctors are not familiar with
it at all and do not want to deal with it. They need to be
more educated .
I would like to see the medical field treat this as a
more serious disease. It is heartbreaking to hear of all the
doctors who say there is no treatment and it is merely
cosmetic .
Simply within these two comments we see the different
approaches by doctors to the condition, as one says the
doctors cannot help, while the other knows there are
treatments but are not always offered, or known about by the
medical profession. This stresses the need to educate
doctors about the treatments available, and also the social
effects of vitiligo. This lack of knowledge stems also to
the larger picture of society.
Lack of knowledge can be illustrated by the types of
comments individuals receive about the appearance of their
skin. For instance, some participants cited incidence when
strangers had approached them to ask if acid' or bleach' had
caused the white patches on their skin. This complies with
Goffman's theory of stigma which suggests that people often
feel free to approach the stigmatised and question them out
of curiosity. Others described how reluctant some people
were to touch them, and how this made them feel:
A lot of people avoid touching you because they think it
is contagious. I also have very low self-esteem so when
people stare I get very paranoid and upset .
This reflects Scambler and Hopkins (1986) view that people
often misfit truths about particular stigmatising
conditions, based on misleading knowledge. Such displays of
ignorance lead to uncomfortable feelings when in public
places for some:
I feel that strangers and people who are unaware of
vitiligo see it as a major defect, because of the stares and
comments I have received .
These experiences have led many to emphasis the importance
of education in such areas, like aspirations of the hope
that vitiligo will become a more recognised disease and not
just cosmetic . In classifying vitiligo as cosmetic, many
white people have expressed concerns that it is not being
recognised as serious for them. For instance, one
participant states that the biggest thing I have found is
that the condition for white skinned people is not really
taken very seriously . Therefore, there appears a desire for
increased knowledge and support from the medical profession,
which may reflect onto society as a whole. However, as one
participant suggests, it is the vitiligo sufferers
themselves who also have the power to educate others.
The More Positive Outlook for Vitiligo treatment
As soon as you explain what is wrong with you people just
accept it. I think it is like most things, we are worried
about the unknown .
This demonstrates that although people may be curious
about a person's skin, it does not always lead to
stigmatised encounters. I feel it is important to reveal
this kind of view, to illustrate that having vitiligo is not
simply a negative display of experiences. The majority who
do not receive negative comments, bullying or teasing due to
their condition rarely get the chance to portray their
experiences, even though 51% of my sample cited no incidence
of this kind. This is not to say that the majority of people
do not have difficulty in any areas of social life but
reflects on how for some, vitiligo does not play a major
role in daily. For instance:
It does not affect me on a day-to-day basis, but makes me
very self-conscious and feel like people are starring at me
when exposed .
Here we see that vitiligo is not at the forefront of
people's minds, but can still be a factor which influences
some thoughts and actions in a conscious way. Ellis' (1998)
view of minor bodily stigmas' complies here, when arguing
that such imperfections are not master statuses and rarely
become the focus of other's attention. For some it is more
about the effect upon the self, rather than considering the
view of a second party. This exposes the affects on the way
people think of themselves, dress and conduct their lives.
For instance, a respondent suggests, I regard this
confounded disease as a major inconvenience rather than
something which makes me really unhappy . It is this kind of
view that seems to develop over time. Some of the sample,
describe how they now cope with vitiligo despite it
affecting them in some way:
I don't let it stop me enjoying my life but it has
definitely affected my confidence and it is something I am
always aware of .
I have accepted vitiligo more as I grow older, I am
unmarried, but my last husband helped me get more
comfortable as he seemed sincerely accepting of the
condition .
This portrays the significance a figure of support can
have on someone's view of vitiligo, and also the effect time
has with accepting the condition, for instance stares
effected me as a child, but now I am used to it . Others
have put the feelings about their condition into
perspective, saying that it is not much worse than the
general ageing process , and although I have a condition
which changes the way I look at myself I feel guilty because
I am very lucky. I am not in hospital with cancer or heart
disease . This kind of guilt for worrying about appearance
is reiterated by many others who consider that vitiligo is
neither painful nor life-threatening. I feel it is these
views which should also be emphasised to vitiligo sufferers
As the results have shown, vitiligo can play a huge role
in people's lives, and rightly so, but the positives must
also prevail, if only so that the newly diagnosed are not
disheartened. For instance respondents said:
I would definitely consider my condition having
strengthened the person I am today. Having vitiligo has
caused me to work hard for things .
I feel that I have a very compassionate side toward
people with differences, whether visible or not, that can
affect their self-esteem .
Limitations and Weaknesses
The Sample of Vitiligo patients
To take part in the research, internet and email access
was necessary, this therefore limits the sample to
individuals with these requirements. It could also be argued
that research of this kind, targets of particular type of
sufferer to respond. In other words, those who felt vitiligo
played a significant role in their lives, or were
sufficiently worried enough to respond and search the
vitiligo websites initially, may be more inclined to offer
their help with the research. This may particularly apply to
the individuals who requested a questionnaire and returned
it, compared to those who, despite asking to help did not
respond with a completed questionnaire.
In terms of the representiveness of the sample, the
majority were in the youngest age group, 19-29 years, which
may reflect the problems with participation being limited to
email and internet users. Therefore, 60-69 year olds are
under-represented in the sample. Vitiligo sufferers with a
dark skin tone are similarly under-represented, as they only
composed 4% of the sample. Individuals with 76-100% vitiligo
are also a minority in the sample, but this may reflect the
vitiligo population as a whole, as this severity is
The various problems with the sample consequently mean
that the findings cannot be generalised to all people with
VVitiligo Questionnaire
The questionnaire also provides the research with
weaknesses and limitations. In general, the questionnaire
encouraged a negative response, and took sufferers
experiences out of context, to some extent. It is important
to remember that respondents were asked to cite their
feelings about vitiligo within a limited milieu which
centred round negativity. In other words, the questionnaire
did not query the respondents about incidence which had
occurred during the past week or that day. Therefore, it is
necessary to question how often, and to what extent
different feelings about the condition may be relevant to
daily life.
In terms of weaknesses within the questionnaire, I felt
the question which asked respondents to state their skin
tone was not an accurate measure. The scale contained four
broad options which I felt were not detailed enough to cover
all individuals. Furthermore, the scale very much relied on
everyone having the same interpretation of each skin tone as
a general measure, but also of their own. This complies
similarly to each closed question which requires respondents
to choose an option. Therefore, caution must be displayed in
the validity of the quantitative results, which is a common
problem with this method. I also felt that such findings
were not useful for this particular research because the aim
was to illustrate experiences rather than statistics.
This highlights why I felt limited by the method that I
chose to use. Although lots of valid data was generated, and
the use of questionnaires enabled distribution throughout
the world, it limited my approach to the topic. In
compliance to the method, I took into consideration the need
to produce some kind of quantitative data, since the
questionnaire is most commonly used to generate statistics
and tables. This, to me, was irrelevant to my research
because my aim was to illustrate the experiences of people
with vitiligo, rather than the demographics behind them.
Despite this, the questionnaire did allow access to a scale
of people which would otherwise have been extremely costly
and time consuming.
Time and Money
Time and money are always a significant consideration when
conducting research. When considering these factors it
limited the type of research method I would have liked to
have used as well as the questionnaire. I think it would
have been interesting to interview a selection of the
respondents in order to explore in more detail people's
experiences and views. However, because of the time
restrictions of the dissertation, and the cost of travel and
the like for interviewing this was not possible.
The experiences of people with vitiligo proved to be
varied and inconsistent in the main. Ellis's (1998) argument
stating that varying degrees of importance are placed on
such conditions seems highly relevant to people with
vitiligo. The condition can be seen as minor for some, major
for the next, and nonexistent for a third. In this sense, no
significant factors were highlighted in affecting the
likelihood of stigmatised encounters, or in the avoidance of
social activities. However, the findings illustrated the
common practice of hiding or camouflaging the condition in
some manner. This related to reducing visibility of the
condition as a way of counteracting any feelings which
questioned attractiveness and acceptance, as well as
decreasing the frequency of felt and enacted stigma.
Summertime was also a prominent factor relating to
visibility. This is due to considerations of the
vulnerability of skin to sunburn, the socially expected
exposure of the skin in the heat, and also the increased
contrast between affected and unaffected skin.
The cultural implications of vitiligo are also highlighted
and would be an interesting topic for further research.
These centre round the stigma that different cultures attach
to the skin disorder and the specific societal reactions
because of its cosmetic nature as well as possible genetic
inheritance. Fears of the latter, in all cultures, largely
stemmed from lacking support of health professionals, who
failed to provide information. Despite the absence of
medical support, some conveyed positive thoughts,
illustrating factors of time and personal support when
coming to accept the condition.
The issue of time proved to be of importance in
consideration of the likelihood of stigmatised encounters
and highlighted the need to address education of such
disorders within the social setting of the school. In
general, the results showed that regular and persistent
teasing were experienced during school years, after which
coping mechanisms were adopted to decrease these encounters,
and their effects. All accounts of negativity, whether it be
teasing or starring, prompted embarrassment and declining
feelings of attractiveness. In this sense, appearance
becomes central to many of the respondent's sense of self,
illustrated by changing experiences of spatial practices and
bodily movements. These findings may also apply to other
disfiguring conditions, such as acne, as we have seen
through analysis of Hawkesworth's study.
This dissertation provides an informative account of the
various factors influencing the lives of those with
vitiligo. It acts as a broad reference to the kinds of
experiences these individuals encounter, and as a basis for
future research in the area. Such topics could include
exploration into cultural factors, as already suggested, and
also the influence of the support offered by the medical
field as well as educational institutions. Overall, the
research provides much needed education about the social
affects of vitiligo, in the words of the sufferers
Vitiligo (leukoderma) is a common skin disease in which
there is loss of pigment from areas of the skin resulting in
irregular white spots or patches. Vitiligo typically
spreads if not treated. What research is being done into
finding a cure for Vitiligo?
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